Liter of Light, the Embassy of Italy and the Philippine Italian Association, Invite you to a Day for Climate Action
On July 4, the Philippine Italian Association (PIA), the Embassy of Italy and Liter of Light will unveil a huge woven participative solar artwork on 5th Avenue in BGC.
The artwork, built using 1,500 hand-built solar lights assembled for Liter of Light’s “Light It Forward” Challenge, features a symbol for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #13: Climate Action.
The artwork is being launched on the International Day of Cooperation, July 4, with PIA and Liter of Light inviting members from the private sector, organizations, and individuals to join the initiative and show their commitment to taking action for climate change.
It is well known that Philippines is on the front lines of climate change, and the Philippine Italian Association is proud to endorse the campaign Light it Forward by the NGO Liter of Light, as this campaign was selected as one of the 400 change-maker projects that will be presented at the COP26 and will be in Italy, this coming September, for the PreCOP26 event, in Milan.
Want to take part in the Day for Climate Action and show your support to Light it Forward? Here’s how you can join:
Order your solar lighting kit from LAZADA and build a solar light from home for the installation - our messengers will pick it up before July 4
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