To start the year long celebration of LEONARDO DA VINCI (in occasion of his 500th death anniversary), the Philippine Italian Association is happy to partner with SIKUNA and screen an interesting experimental short silent movie by Svankmajer and Purificato: IL DIARIO DI LEONARDO which will be scored live by Bistibway Percussion Duo.
IL DIARIO DI LEONARDO - Leonardo's journal (by Jan Svankmajer and Giuseppe Purificato, 1974) - Courtesy of the CINETECA DI BOLOGNA
In this experimental short silent film, Svankmaier and Purificato revisited Leonardo's drawings and brought them to life by blowing into them the vitality of the movement. They associated them to the everyday life images, as they are seen through the video-camera, bent and distorted by the technique.
Drawings taken from the Leonardo Da Vinci codes come to life, with their own life, interspersed with filmed repertoire scenes with subtle backlash effects, sometimes comical sometime alienating.